DMCA/ Copyright
DMCA (Copyright) Takedown Policy
Last Updated: September 13, 2021We respect the intellectual property rights of all VR porn studios we work with. VRPornVideos members are responsible for making sure Virtual Reality Sex Videos they upload to our website do not encroach on copyright laws.
We will immedaitely remove any vr porn videos from our website once we are made aware and have investigated in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). Where there are cases of repeat copyright infringers we will ban the user.
DMCA Notification to Remove Copyrighted VR Porn Content
If you suspect that your virtual reality sex scenes have infringed upon copyright law, please write to us and provide the following information:
Name, Address, Telephone Number and email address. A brief description of the copyrighted VR porn that has been uploaded. Where on VRPornVideos the virtual reality porn can be found i.e. the URL State that the copyrighted VR porn is not authorized by the copyright owner. State that the information in your complaint is accurate to the best of your knowledge, and that the infringer was not authorized to list the VR porn video. Provide an electronic, or physical signature. Before you file your DMCA claim, please consider whether the use of the copyrighted VR porn is protected by the Fair Use doctrine. If you file a DMCA claim where there is no infringement, you could be liable for the legal fees. If you are unsure whether infringement of copyrighted material has taken place please contact a lawyer. You can also consult U.S. Copyright Office and Lumen.
Submit this information via:
Email: File a DMCA Counter Notice to Remove Content for Users
Please note that we will send the counter notification to the person who submitted the DMCA notice. That person may elect to file a lawsuit against you for copyright infringement. If we do not receive notice that a lawsuit has been filed within ten business days after we provide notice of your counter-notification, we will restore the removed materials. Until that time, your materials will remain removed. We will provide a copy of the original DMCA takedown notice on request.
Repeat Infringer Policy
We will terminate user accounts that have been the subject of two separate DMCA notices. If a user’s materials are removed due to a DMCA notice and then later restored due to the filing of a DMCA counter-notification, we will treat the underlying DMCA notice as withdrawn.
We may terminate user accounts that are the subject of fewer than two DMCA notices in appropriate circumstances, such as where the user has a history of violating or willfully disregarding our terms.
In filing a DMCA notice or counter-notice, please make sure that you have complied with all of the above requirements. If we request additional information necessary to make your DMCA notice or counter-notice complete, please provide that information promptly. If you fail to comply with all of these requirements, your DMCA notice or counter-notice will not be processed further.
In addition, please make sure that all of the information you provide is accurate. Under section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(f), any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing or was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability.
We may disclose any communications concerning DMCA notices or other intellectual property complaints with third parties, including the users who have posted the allegedly infringing material.
If you have questions about the legal requirements of a DMCA notice, please contact an attorney or see section 512(c)(3) of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3), for more information. If you have questions about the legal requirements of a DMCA counter-notice, please contact an attorney or see section 512(g)(3) of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(g)(3), for more information.
Our Copyright Agent
You may send a DMCA notice, a DMCA counter-notice, or any inquiries concerning intellectual property to our copyright agent: